Tag line is an attractive and appealing phrase or slogan used in advertising. The tagline appears on all the information of a product of manufacturer. It is linked to the piece and not to the concept of a specific event. If the sentence is presented next to a logo, as an integral part, it is likely to be a tagline.
Tag Lines and slogans play a very vital role in business. They represent the entire company or organisation. The company and its brand can be summed up in one Tag Line. No product is successful without a Tag Line. With the launch of every product or service, a Tagline attached to it increases its marketability.
A Tag Line along with the company logo is the first thing which a customer sees and captures a quick impression of your company. It creates an identity of your company.
By reading a Tag Line, a customer gets an idea about what is expected from buying a particular product and how is the product different from other products in the market. There are many products in the market which has the same purpose but the product which has a better Tag Line wins the competition.
Headlines and Taglines
There is sometimes confusion between the Tagline and a Headline because information is only exhibited with the one or the other. Basically, we find the information in the headline. When the information is changed to suit the need of the company the headline is changed and a new headline is created.
Whereas, the tagline does not change. It appears on all the information of that product or company. It is linked to the product and not to the concept of a particular event. In fact, it is an entertainment piece. If the words, phrases or a sentence appear with the logo of the company, it is a Tag Line.
The best way of creating a Tag Line is to writing is to describe what you do in the shortest space possible.
1. Engage Your Think-Tank
Think of your company's objectives, nature of its product and overall business. After giving it a serious thought, write as much as you can about the business motive and the product of the company. Think of the product or service and try to imagine in more than one way you can describe it. Then, record your thought in writing.
2. Trim Your Writing
After writing, try to remove the repeated facts and views in the views in the writing. Try to shorten trim it to a paragraph and subsequently to one sentence. Once you have succeeded in framing a single sentence, check for its completeness. Check whether that sentence highlights the product's qualities and the company's objective.
3. Shorten and Make it Catchy
Your Tag Line is not yet made. Try to further shorten it by adding a few attractive, appealing and catchy words or phrases. The process is somewhat similar to writing a Precis of a passage and in the end giving it a title. It is also like writing a single tweet for a larger thought.
Example of Creating Taglines
Suppose you are the manager of the stock and mutual fund investments. You are to advise the people about their investment in stock, shares and mutual funds. Create a Tag Line.
Step 1. I am an effective fund manager. I advise people to invest in various financial instruments. Recently Reliance has launched Jio shares which I think would get you the best returns as it has become very popular in the market.
Step 2. Invest in Jio one of the Best shares of Reliance, you will be rewarded.
Step 3. The Investor's Choice.