What is Public Speaking? How to be an effective public speaker?

Public speaking involves speaking (or giving a speech) in front of a group of known or unknown people. It is given in front of a live audience after some preparation by the speaker. 

In public speaking there is not much space for interaction between the speaker and the listener - the speaker speaks, and the audience listens. Public speaking is often considered as oratory. A political leader or labour union leader giving a speech in front of a huge gathering are examples of public speaking.

Purpose and Importance of Public Speaking

Public speaking is very important in the field of communication and has three different purposes : to give information to the listener, to persuade and convince the public and to entertain them. The speaker prepares for his speech and delivers his intended information to the listeners in an ordered way.

By giving information on a particular topic he tries to make sure that all the listeners agree to his views and believe his opinions. He tries to convince them and persuade them to his own advantage. To achieve this purpose, he entertains them and sustains the interest of his listeners by his sense of humour.

Most of us, at some point in our life, will get an opportunity to speak in front of a group of listeners. The major objectives of a public speaker's speech can range from narrating a simple story for giving important information. The practice of public speaking builds our self confidence and gives us a new identity in various levels of our society.


To make speaking effective has always been a challenging act in the field of communication. The following points have to be kept in mind in order to make speaking effective:

1. Selection of Topic

   The speaker should select a topic well in advance. He should do the necessary research. The research consists of collecting and reading sources related to the topic for better understanding.

2. Arranging Ideas

   After selection and understanding of the topic, the speaker should focus on the message and arrange the ideas logically. The speaker should make notes and think of examples to be given while delivering the speech. He should think of the visual aids to be used in the speech. He should also consider the educational, religious and social background of his audience while preparing for the topic.

3. Beginning of the Topic

   To start the topic is the most important part of speaking. In order to make speaking effective, the speaker should first try to get the attention of the audience. He could start either by wishing the audience or by introducing himself. He could also silently look at the audience, take a short pause and start speaking to them.

4. Voice Modulation

   A good voice is God's gift. It can be shaped and toned also. In order to make the oral message effective the speaker should vary the pitch (loudness) and tempo (speed) of his voice while speaking on the topic. The speaker should use a high pitch tone when he wants to put emphasis or stress on important words or phrases. He should also lower the tempo of his speech when talking of important areas. An effective speaker also tries to repeat his vital concept of his speech.

The sender should make proper use of Lips, Jaws, Tongue - The speech organs to pronounce a word correctly. Meaning of words change if they are mispronounced. The speaker should avoid speaking through the nose (nasal tone). He should avoid expressions like 'er', 'ah', 'unh', 'I see', 'you know', I think etc. more often. The main aim of the speaker is to be audible and clear to the audience.

5. Body Language

   It would be unjust to think that we can speak using our speech organs only. The other parts of our body can speak a lot through various body movements. While speaking the speaker should maintain an erect posture or straight gait. The entire weight of the body should be shared equally on both legs. He should stand in a relaxed manner. He should use his hand movements as desired by the message he wants to convey. 

The dress code should be simple, formal, gentle as it is a formal occasion. Bright and flashy colours distracts the attention of the audience.

6. Interaction with the Audience

   The speaker should interact with the audience during his speech. He should try to take from his audience by asking questions. While asking questions, he should not focus on any particular person. He should address the question to the whole group. There is not always an opportunity to conduct a question answer session. The speaker should use this session to let others know that he is an expert, not just a speaker.

The speaker at time should select volunteers from the audience and initiate a discussion. The speaker should not insult or embarass the audience if they ask any stupid question. He should control his anger and should not show that he is angry.

7. Entertaining the Audience

   The speaker should add small stories or incidents to his topic to explain a particular point. Everyone loves a story. If one of the concepts in the topic is represented by a story, the audience would be able to remember well.

Adding comic or funny incidents to one's topic entertains the audience. They do not feel bored.

8. Proper Use of Visual Aids

   The visual aids include charts, maps, picture, tables, models, and realia. These aids should not be over used. They should be used whenever or wherever necessary.

The speaker should not be glued to the powerpoint slides. Many speakers depend heavily on the slides. They begin their speech with it and stick to it till the end with a minimum interaction with the audience. So in order to make speaking effective there should be a judicious use of the aids.

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