The basic of all human communication is getting a reply or response from the person with whom we are communicating with. Communication is the life-blood of any organisation. In fact, an organization cannot run smoothly without an effective communication network in place. Effective coordination among groups within the organization increases productivity and efficiency. So given below, are 10 Importance of communication.
[1] Information
The main objective of any communication is to the transfer or exchange of information. This information includes facts, ideas, opinions, feelings, values. The main purpose is to pass on information and make people more informed. The flow of information is internal as well as external. Internal information is passed on within an organization from the management to the employees in the form of job assignments, office procedures, policies, meetings, discussions, media, conferences, seminars etc. External information is passed on from outside the organization in the form of market research, exhibitions, trade fairs. This information includes the competitiveness of a product in the market. In the present scenario, the World Wide Web or the Internet has become a vital factor in the success of an organization.
[2] Problem Solving and Decision Making
Communication in big business organizations helps the employees placed in responsible positions in solving problems and taking important decisions. For example, if there is a strike in the company, the manager calls the leaders for a talk. He tries to get into the heart of the problem and if he conveys the right message to his seniors after making correspondences with the top officials and strikers, he is able to solve the problem. He is able to take important decisions after going through a lot of feedbacks and field studies when asked to decide upon the company's new plant or factory.
[3] Generating Motivation
Effective communication generates a motivational spirit among the employees of an organization. Goals for a particular project is set by the leaders at the top level. These well defined goals are then presented before the juniors who in turn understand it and give a feedback. The leaders examine the feedback and finalize the project. The leader motivates the juniors to put up their best. All these are done successfully by motivation and encouragement through effective communication.
[4] Building Human Relations
For industrial peace and prosperity the basic need is a healthy human relations. This is possible not only with good working conditions and environment but also with communication among the management and the workers. Through effective communication the management can convey its expectations to workers. The workers can also put up their suggestions and complaints in front of the management. Thus, this two way communication promotes cooperation and understanding among management and workers.
[5] Providing Job Satisfaction and Emotional Enrichment
Lack of effective communication result in confusion and misunderstanding among the employees. As a result their behaviour becomes defensive and they seemed to be dissatisfied with the job. The objective of communication here is to help letting out the feelings and emotions of the employees. It is only through communication they lift their morale up by conveying their unhappiness to their bosses or higher officials. At the end of the day when their grievances are taken care of they feel enriched and satisfied.
[6] Maintaining Relationship with External Organizations
Effective communication is not only essential for maintaining internal harmony of any organization but also for maintaining healthy relationship with other external parties such as customer, creditors, trade unions, research institutions, government organizations etc.
[7] To Boost Morale
Morale is a psychological factor. A company is highly successful if the morale of the employees is high. Morale includes many qualities like courage, confidence and determination. Since morale is not a permanent factor, company should put continuous effort to keep the morale of its employees high. In order to boost the morale of employees, a company should maintain an open door policy and should not allow harmful rumours to spread. The company should try to solve all the problems of the employees. It should allow the employees to adopt their own way of working.
[8] Order and Instructions
An order can either be given orally or in writing. An order is an internal form of communication which flows downward i.e. from the boss or head of company to the subordinates (juniors). Instructions are also orders which consist of the steps or ways to carry out orders. Written orders are issued when the nature of work is very important. The higher-ups (management) of the company or organisation should always be careful while handing out written orders and should always keep a copy of the order so that a follow up action can be taken. Orders can be of various types such as general orders, specific orders, procedural orders, operational orders and discretionary orders.
[9] Advice, Counsellings, Persuasion and Suggestion
Advice, counselling, persuasion and suggestion are important objectives of communication.
Any organisation in order to be successful has to seek specialist advice from the outside world of business and at the same time give advice to its employees. Every good organisation has a counselling department with trained professionals including psychologists, social reformers and a panel of doctors. In this department, the employees with personal problems are guided and advised to come out of their problems in an organisation.
Sensible persuasion also plays an important role in the success of an organisation. The managers have to persuade their workers to take out their best efforts. Many organisations have also set up suggestion boxes for its workers expecting them to come up with constructive suggestions for the smooth functioning of the organisation.
[10] Education and Training
Education and training are also vital objectives of communication in an
organisation. They are used to increase the level of knowledge of the employees. When a new employee joins an organisation he is given an induction training and educated about the culture, code of discipline and work ethics of the organisation. Education is also given to junior managers or personnel of an organisation to handle important assignments so that they get promoted to the next higher posts. The public outside the organisation is also educated through advertisements, informal meetings, newspapers and journals.