What is Oral Communication? Advantages and Disadvantages of Oral Communication.

Communication as a way of exchanging or transfer of ideas, emotions or thoughts, has various forms. These forms differ depending upon the availability of feedback, use of verbal or non-verbal signs etc. The process of communication begins with the sender. The sender is the first agent to conceive an idea or select a message. He chooses suitable matter as the message keeping in mind the knowledge and experience level of the receiver. The success of communication depends a lot on the sender's knowledge, experiences and abilities. One of the most popular mode of communication is Oral Communication.

Oral Communication implies communication through mouth. It includes people conversing with one another, be it direct speech or telecommunication speech. Speeches, presentation, discussions area unit all types of speech. speech is usually counseled once the communication matter is of temporary kind or wherever an on the spot interaction is needed. Face to face communication (meeting, lectures, conferences, interviews, etc.) is important thus on build a rapport and trust.


Oral communication is that mode of communication in which messages are transmitted in the spoken form. The term 'oral' means anything pertaining to the mouth. In oral communication, the sender and the receiver exchange their ideas through speech either in face to face talk or through some mechanical or electronic device. The face to face mode of oral communication is rated very high as we can see all signs of body language along with immediate exchange of words. The message can be orally transmitted also through computer voice mail and telephoning which is considered not so effective as face to face communication but they do provide vocal hints and an opportunity of immediate feedback.

Oral Communication

Media: Various media of oral communication are face to face conversation, meetings and conferences, lectures, interviews, telephonic talks, seminars, radio broadcasts, television telecasts etc.


[1]. Faster Mode of Communication

Oral communication is faster as compared to written communication. It saves a lot of time. The sender does not have to spend much time to prepare the message. Oral communication is advantageous especially when the sender wants a feedback immediately. The sender can pass on insturctions to the receiver either personally or over the telephone to get his work done in time. Speech is more effective in getting the job done. That is why project leaders or managers prefer to transmit the message orally. He can use voice modulation and his body language to convey his message to his subordinates or juniors to make his message ore effective.

[2]. Immediate Feedback

Oral communication is more effective because of direct contact between the communication (sender) and the communicatee (receiver). As the sender and the receiver are present in person physically or stay connected over the telephone, there is an immediate response from both the sides.

[3]. More Flexible

Oral communication provides a greater flexibility since no record is kept on at daily basis. The sender can immediately correct or modify a faulty message event after sending it to the receiver. He can clarify and check the response given by the receiver on the spot. He can shape his message according to knowledge level and the background of the receiver.

[4]. Less Expensive

Oral communication is relatively less costly as compared to written communication. Here the sender does not have to spend much on preparing his message using different writing materials in written and printed forms. Oral communication does not use a lot of manpower as in the case of post office or courier agencies.


[1] Not Suitable for Long and Bulky Messages

Oral communication is not convenient for sending lengthy messages as the listner (receiver) will not be able to understand the whole information. There is every possibility that the receiver might miss out important information. It becomes very difficult to hold the audiences' (receiver) attention for hours together. If the lengthy message is sent to the receiver in written form he can go through it at his own convenience, in parts and would understand it completely.

[2] No Legal Importance

In case of written communication, the written message can be produced as a piece of evidence in the court of law. But in oral communication the spoken words do not have any importance and hence has no legal validity. Hence, statements given orally cannot be accepted as a legal document.

[3] Cannot Serve as a Permanent Record

Oral communication cannot be kept as a permanent record for any future reference. An oral message cannot be treated as an authentic record unless it is audio or video recorded. The oral messages stay in our memory for a very short duration of time.. Certain important steps taken orally might be forgotten and one has to face similar problems again and again.

[4] Cannot Fix Responsibility

It is easier to assign responsibility in case of written communication but it is difficult to hold somebody responsible in oral communication. Orders given by the sender orally may not be executed by the receiver. The receiver may refuse to give a feedback if the sender gives a message orally.

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