Shock Treatment of Electric Shock and Artificial Respiration Methods


As already described earlier the current that a human body can safely endure is 5 milliamperes at 50 to 60 c/s. When a person gets an electric shock, most often, the current passes through the breathing centre at the base of the brain and causing the centre to stop sending out nervous impulses which act upon the muscles responsible for breathing. As a consequence, breathing stops abruptly. If the shock has not been over, after a time the breathing centre recovers and resumes the necessary duty of sending impulses to the muscles of breathing. In severe cases the immediate use of artificial respiration substitutes the natural breathing now blocked by the shock. The current may paralyse the breathing centre which may require even 8 hours of artificial respiration without a stop, for again causing the natural respiration to take place. Victims of electric shock are unconscious but in most of the cases, their hearts are working and blood circulation is taking place. Only the breathing centre has stopped working, this treatment requires prompt artificial respiration with greatest possible promptness. If at all the heart is effected in the electric shock, it is very rarely. The greatest precautions prescribed by experts is that no time should be wasted in trying to find out if the heart is live and working

How to Disengage A Person

1. The man connected to the supply should not be touched with bare hands 

2. If the switches are nearby, they shall be immediately put off

3. Remove the person removed to a safer place

4. If the switches are however not dose or nearby and if they are unknown to first maching person, he should make use of some insulating material such as wood, dry cotton or cloth, dry rope etc. to pull the person away from the mains

Methods of Artificial Respiration 

There are two well known methods of artificial respiration. Just as soon as the person is disengaged from the mains he should be laid prostrate. The mouth should be examined with a finger if any false teeth, betel leaf, tobacco and chewing gum etc. are present. They should immediately be removed. The tongue should also be examined and if it is in a twisted position, then it should be brought into the correct position.

Schafer's Prone Pressure Method

1. The person to give artificial respiration should seat himself over the patient with his knees spread around the hips of the victim and his two hands should be straightened. 

2. He should lean forward exerting pressure with his hands on the small of back of the victim. 

3. This way the chest of the victim should be pressed and he would artificially exhale.

4. The operator should release the pressure and lean backward, the chest of the victim would expand and he would artificially in hale.

5. The operator should synchronize the forward and backward motion with his own exhale and inhale respectively. 

6. This cycle of motion should be about 15 times a minute if the normal rate of breathing is 15 times a minute. Normally one person cannot give this drill continuously for an indefinite period, so at convenient intervals persons must change hands at the drill and continue it without a break. The convenient interval may be from 45 minute to 1 hour. While changing turns, the cycles of artificial respiration should not be broken. This method is considered the best method.

Silvester's Method

1. If it is not possible to lay the person prostrate because of injuries or burns, is laid on his back.

2. The person to give this drill should seat himself on the side of the head of the victim. He should hold the arms of the victim below the elbows.

3. Press the arms on the chest of the victim and turn to bring to ward his head as far as possible. While pressing the arms, the chest of the victim would artificially exhale while in backward motion of the arms, the patient would artificially inhale.

It should be remembered again that the operator synchronize his inhale and exhale to the pressing of the arms of the victim to his chest and flaring them backward. The cycle should be 15 times in minute.

Mouth to Mouth Method

1. The third method is called mouth to mouth resuscitation which some experts consider the best method of artificial respiration. In this method the victim is laid on the back.

2. The operator lifts the chin of the victim a little in upward position and blows in his lung through his mouth with his own mouth. This is inhale.

3. Then press the victim's arms onto the chest as in the previous case. This is exhale.

4. Repeat the process (2) and (3) rapidly say 12 to 15 times in a minute.

Improvement in the above Method

Scientific improvements over the last method is the development of rubber mask with suitable valves. The mask is put up into the mouth and the nose of the victim. The air is pumped into his lungs with the help of rubber bulb.

Exhale from the chest is done by opening of valves and pressure on the chest.

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