In almost all the industries (factories), a large number of machines are run by mechanical power. The problem of transmitting this mechanical power from one shaft (driving shaft) to another shaft (driven shaft) has invented certain devices of transmission of power.
For example in a bicycle, the power at the shaft of paddles is transmitted to the rear wheel. In a motor cycle, the power developed in the engine is transmitted to the rear wheel. In fact in all the machines, the power developed in an engine is transmitted to some suitable part where it is used to do the mechanical work.
The technique of transferring mechanical power from one shaft to another with the help of various means is called Transmission of Power. In this process mechanical power is transmitted from one shaft to another shaft.
Generally, in factories the power from one shaft to another shaft is transmitted by means of the following modes :
- Belts and Ropes
- Chains
- Gears
- Clutches
Three of the above mentioned modes of transmission of power, i.e. belts, chains and gears are used when the power is to be transferred between parallel shafts.
Clutches are used when the power transmission is to take place between collinear and co - axial shafts.
Classification of belts
The general classification of the belts used for transmission of power depends upon the following:
- The cross section of the belt.
- The material used in the construction of the belt.
(1) Depending upon the cross section, the belts can have the following classification:
(a) Flat Belts
(b) Vee Belts
(c) Circular Belts
(2) Depending upon the material used for the construction of the belt, the Belts can be classified as
(i) Leather Belts
(ii) Cotton Belts
(iii) Rubber Belts
(iv) Metallic Belts
(v) Steel Belts
Belts and Ropes
Flat Belts - Flat Belts are used for moderate transmission of power between the two shafts when the distance between the two shafts is not more than 10 m.
Vee Belts - Wherever large amount of power is to be transmitted between the two parallel shafts, Vee belt and grooved pulley system is used. This is used when the distance between the two shafts is very small.
Ropes or Circular Belts - Wherever a large amount of power is to be transferred from one shaft to another when the distance is not more than 5 m. ropes or circular belts are used.
Wherever exactly same power is to be transmitted from one shaft to another one without any slip, a chain drive is used. This mode of transmission of power is suitable for large distances.
Wherever the power transmission is to take place between two parallel shafts very near to each other but the amount of power to be transmitted is very very large without any slip, gears are used.
Whenever a large amount of power is to be transmitted from one shaft to another shaft and the two shafts are collinear and co-axial, the clutches are used.