What is Internet? Definition of Internet.

Internet is sometimes called the Net. Internet is a worldwide system of computer network. It is a network of networks. Internet may be a public and independent facility accessible to hundred of many people worldwide, for several Internet users electronic message (e-mail) has practically replaced the postal services. E-mail is the most widely used applications on net. Moreover, using Internet you can carry online conversations with other computer users.

Internet has revolutionized communications, to the extent that it is now our preferred medium of everybody communication. In almost everything we do, we use the web . Ordering a pizza, buying a television, sharing a flash with a lover , sending an image over instant messaging.

Before the Internet, if you wanted to keep up with the news, you had to walk down to the news stand when it opened in the morning and buy a local edition reporting what had happened the previous day.

Definition : An interconnection of large and small networks around the world is Internet.

What is Internet?
The Internet in simple terms is a network of the interlinked computers worldwide, that is accessible to all. These interconnected computers work by transmitting data through the IP or the Internet Protocol. It provides a common language for the computers attached to the physical network. In this way all the computer conform to a standard set of rules, also called as protocols.

Internet is such a big network of several different interlinked networks concerning the business, government, academic and even smaller domestic networks, therefore Internet is understood because the network of all the other networks.

These networks enable the web to be used for various Important functions which include the several means of communications just like the file transfer, the web chat and even the sharing of the documents and internet sites on the WWW, or the planet Wide Web.

It is always wrongly said that the Internet and the World Wide Web are both the same terms, or are synonymous. But there is a very significant difference between the two. The Internet and World Wide Web are both the networks; the Internet is the network of the several different computers which are connected through copper wires, the fibre optics and even wireless connections.

However, the planet Wide Web consists of the interlinked collection of the knowledge and documents which are taken because the resources by the overall public. These are then linked by the website URLs and the hyperlinks. Therefore, World Wide Web is one of the services offered by the whole and huge network of the Internet.

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