Importance and Benefits of Regular Reading of Newspapers.


Reading newspapers daily is taken into account to be a really good and useful habit and has great educational value. Newspapers are the primary things which greet you each morning. They keep us informed on what is happening around us. They contain information about Politics, Economy, Sports, Entertainment, Business, Industry, Trade and Commerce.

They not only enhance our public knowledge but also improve our vocabulary and language skills. They have become so on the brink of our lives that without them we feel incomplete within. There is numerous changes happening around that so as to stay ourselves updated, we would like to read newspapers daily. Thus, newspapers try not only to tell but to interest, to stimulate, and to excite.


Modern day newspapers are the current history of world and, in fact, the mini-encyclopedia of the world. Listed below are some of the benefits of reading newspapers daily.

1. Store House of Information

Newspapers provide information and knowledge about a country's political, social and economic situation. It also provides news from the world of sports, entertainment, trade and commerce.

Going through the newspaper widens our outlook and enriches our knowledge. It enables you to take an active part in discussion related to world's current events among your friends and colleagues.

Reading newspapers would help you to have a clear understanding of what is happening in your country and the whole world. Getting yourself updated with the latest news builds up your personality.

2. Enhances our Vocabulary and Language Skills

Reading newspapers increases the word store in our mind. The more we read, the more number of words get into our mind. We may not be able to remember all the words we read but at least some of them get into our memory with continuous reading. Many new words and phrases are repeated in the newspapers every day.

In some newspapers, there are word games and word puzzles with cryptic clues too. An interested learner can improve his vocabulary by attempting these word games and puzzles. He gets to see the use is these words in different sentences in a particular language. The reader of newspaper gets the knowledge of grammar as a result of which he could improve his language skills.

3. Reading Newspapers for Growth and Enlightenment

Newspapers are of a great educational value. The editorial and the articles in the editorial page of the newspaper are descriptive, analytical and give an in-depth knowledge in certain importance.

These articles enlighten students, engineers, doctors, scientists, professors and other professionals to grow into better human beings in their future. 

They gain deep knowledge from these highly educational articles. They sharpen the thinking skills of the readers. This particular section of the newspaper gives us the education of the heart as well as the mind.

4. Spread of Patriotism

Newspapers spread patriotism among the citizens of a country. The inspiring account of struggle for the freedom of a country is published in the newspaper at the time independence day celebrations.

The Indian struggle for freedom is a great example how reading of newspaper educated and ignited the masses to fight for the freedom of our country. It taught the masses to fight for their civil, political and economic rights. 

The vivid accounts of freedom fighters printed in newspaper set an example of selflessness and sacrifice for the people of a country. The people get inspired and try to emulate them.

5. Newspapers as Grievance Redressal Platform

Respecting the Constitutional Fundamental Rights, every citizen voice out their grievances through the columns of the newspapers. The government acknowledges the complaints of the people and takes corrective measures. 

In case of unforeseen disasters like flood, famine, and earthquake etc., the person come out with their problems through newspapers to bring to the attention of the general public and the government. 

It is only through the columns of newspapers that people take the role of reformers against social evils like dowry, child marriage, corruption, etc.

6. Uniqueness and Affordability

There are multiple sources of news like magazines and books in print media, radio and television channels and Internet connections in electronic media, and tablets and smartphones in the wireless communication. But the importance of newspaper remains unaffected and hence incomparable.

Newspapers are available at a very low cost and can be affordable by the poor people. We can read the newspaper at our own convieneint time and at leisure. We can read it as many times as we like.

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